
Photo by Ying Bonny Cai My host mom brings me tea. She offers me tangerines, three in one hand, poking between her fingers. I accept one of them, tell her I already ate two, let her hum routinely before closing the door. I stick my finger in the jar of peanut butter on my desk that […]

A Love Poem for Someone I Left, or

Photo by Zoya Hsiao 10 places I want to be with you— sitting on the same massage chair, legs compressed by legs no money to afford our own, but in the 러브호텔  we can pretend on the second floor of a ramen shop or Indian restaurant shrouded in incense or smoke from your cigarettes on […]


Photo by Zoya Hsiao I wrote this poem while I was an ETA on Jeju in the winter of 2016. I was in the bout of severe homesickness, experiencing snow for the first time and missing my sunny Southern California life. This reflects the period I went through before adjustment—realizing that I didn’t fit in or feel comfortable […]