At Summer’s End

At Summer’s End By Ky Pontious, 1st Year ETA In Florida, the year passes in a humid haze. We eagerly look forward to and then reminisce about the handful of chilly days in an endless cycle. Everything is green. It is hot. We sweat. We blast the air in the car to cool our leather […]

Sunday BEEF

Sunday BEEF By Iris Hyun-A Kim In the Netflix original series BEEF (minor spoiler ahead), there is an iconic scene when Danny, played by Steven Yeun, goes to church. Danny, a Korean American handyman embroiled in a heated revenge stand-off with a stranger, unexpectedly decides to attend Sunday service. He walks in during the timely […]

River Child

River Child By Leah Yan Doherty, 1st Year ETA [Image by Victoria Thiem] I They say I floated softlydown the Yangtze, a ripple-like shimmerinto their outstretched arms—“our little river child” Tears, freshly pluckedfrom the deepened creaseof patient smiles, crinkled around the edgestasting of hope and roasted coffee. At nightI would listen to talesof shape-shifting monkey […]