Dear Director Shim,

Thank you for your years of service and dedication to the Fulbright program. Before joining the Fulbright community, I, like many young adults, lacked the confidence needed to pursue my life’s calling. But thanks to your continual belief in me and my potential, my confidence fully materialized and allowed me to pursue a career in academia. At the start of every conversation we had, I quickly recognized the value in every word you imparted. Each story and word of advice you shared contained years of wisdom and the perspective that any budding scholar and educator needed to hear. Your vision for the educational landscape of Korea inspired me, and by the end of my Fulbright year, I realized that I had inherited bits of your vision and heart for this field as well. I can only hope to make even a fraction of the progress you have made in bringing understanding and peace into this world.

Thank you again for all you have done. You are truly an inspiration. I wish you a very joyful and peaceful retirement.

Teresa Kim, Fulbright Junior Researcher ’15 – ’17