Robert Ogburn for Infusion

Dear Readers,

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the spring issue of the 8th volume of Infusion magazine. Capturing your insights and experiences in Infusion is a wonderful way for admirers and newcomers to the ETA program to know better just how important a role you have played in promoting mutual understanding between Korea and the U.S.

The ETA program was launched in 1992, during my first posting to Korea (1988-1993). I was thrilled by the creativity of the program and the dynamism of the participants whom I met. After having met many of you last year at the ETA gala, I am so happy to be able to say the same thing. You are truly building new bridges between American and the Land of the Morning Calm, whether you are ‘urban pioneers’ in Sejong City, island explorers on Jeju, or anywhere between!

With your passion for communication and your commitment to telling America’s story in Korea, I can easily envision you as leaders in the career paths you choose to take. Fighting!


Robert W. Ogburn
Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs
Member of the KAEC Board