The Places We Go: I

From towering mountains and stunning blue oceans to quiet cafes and candle-lit temples, the ETA experience can take you anywhere. Whether it’s visiting a country for the first time or enjoying the scenic route home from work, there are always new places to explore.

Yut Noli: A Comic Explanation

I don’t consider myself an artist, but I started drawing comics during a language intensive in college as a way escape the frustration of language barriers. Not quite two years later, I have a handful of vignettes I illustrated for family and friends. Most are inspired by the inevitable miscommunications, hilariously awkward situations, and sweet little moments of sublimity that are my daily life in Korea.

“How Do You Describe Yourself?”

“How do you describe yourself?”

Her big eyes widening behind her glasses, she began to rub her palms on her skirt as her breath quickened. Finally, she cracked a smile as she remembered the answer she had written and memorized for the speaking test.

“I describe myself as ugly.”