Only Daughter Gets a Sister

Only Daughter Gets a Sister 자매가된 두 외동딸 [1] Written by Zoe Gioja When we pulled up to the restaurant, it was dark. I stepped out of the car, entered the restaurant, and saw at least twelve people sitting on the floor, all looking up at me. I bowed, mumbling some greeting in Korean. This is […]

Yut Noli: A Comic Explanation

I don’t consider myself an artist, but I started drawing comics during a language intensive in college as a way escape the frustration of language barriers. Not quite two years later, I have a handful of vignettes I illustrated for family and friends. Most are inspired by the inevitable miscommunications, hilariously awkward situations, and sweet little moments of sublimity that are my daily life in Korea.

The Brother I Always Wanted

I’ve always wanted a brother. My sister is tougher than 99.9% of men I know, but still I have this idealized image of what it would be like to have a protective older brother. Plus, I thought there would be the added benefit of having his friends around the house. Now I finally have a brother and it’s certainly not what I expected — a Korean fourth grader named Mingue (민교). Mingue’s an interesting fellow so I’m going to devote this post to our relationship.