Many Fulbrighters are documenting their grant years by writing on personal blogs and posting on Instagram. Check ’em out!

(Please bear in mind that the pages linked below are maintained by past or current Fulbright Korea grantees and may not represent the views of Infusion or the Korean American Educational Commission.)

Personal websites and blogs

With Hope International

James Davisson, ETA 2019-20

a tennessean learning korean

Sarah Grace Crowley, ETA 2019-20


Bethany Mazurek, ETA 2019-20


Molly Clark, ETA 2019-20

Learning a New Hand: My Fulbright Journey in South Korea

Joshua Lovett, ETA 2018-20

Newsflash: This Just-in

Justin Abbott, ETA 2018-20

Kristy in Korea

Kristy Sonberg, ETA 2018-20

Save Our Toya

La Toya Crittenden, ETA 2018–20

Here, There, Over There

Lauren Lin, ETA 2018–20

Illusion Slopes

Max Kapur, ETA 2018–20