Paper Heart

CW: suicide, mental illness The lifetime prevalence of mental health disorders in South Korea is one out of every three people, slightly higher than the world average of one in four. In light of the high profile celebrity suicides in 2019, I decided that I wanted to know more about the state of mental health […]


I asked my mother the Korean word for nectarine and she told  me 천도복숭아, heavenly  peach. And I recognized the angel  there, though she wouldn’t have  believed I knew her. I had heard her on the phone  one room over,  unripe and glorious  like a child playacting  stone fruit, head held between summer-bare knees  acting […]

Waygukin Gothic

Photo by La Toya Crittenden Mirror The grant year is going okay, you will say if anyone asks. The only thing is that the cool girls live in your building. These are the students you want to love, but whose withholding glares bring you slam-back to when you were fourteen and covered in acne and […]