How does it feel to be a kid in 2021?
This year, we invited students to showcase their talents through a nation-wide art competition. Students of all grades responded to the above prompt with an English-titled piece of art they created. The submissions revealed a wide variety of emotions and vulnerability. Certain students remain optimistic, despite the challenges they faced this year. Others expressed the common anxieties of students today, such as exhaustion, loneliness, and a fear of the future. Infusion selected three winners for each school level (elementary, middle, and high school) who received a cash prize for their work. Below you will find the winning submissions, along with honorary mentions from each level. Long hours studying, video games, COVID-19 tests, endless YouTube scrolls and Squid Game- these artists capture what it means to be a Korean student today. ~Winners~ [slideshow_deploy id=’8529′] ~Honorary Mentions~ [slideshow_deploy id=’8482′] [slideshow_deploy id=’8507′] [slideshow_deploy id=’8521′]
Introducing Volume 14
We are proud to introduce Infusion Volume 14! Click on the cover to see the finished print version or explore individual pieces and photos below~ [ajax_load_more id=”6759311224″ post_type=”post” category=”volume-14″ category__not_in=”338″]