Blogroll: The Beginning of the End

Two weeks from today I will be on a plane on my way back to the States. I must admit, there were times during this year when I thought that day couldn’t come fast enough. There were times when I was homesick, and lonely, and struggling to understand this totally upside-down culture. And all I wanted was to go back to my momma’s house, curl under the covers, and be a kid again. Growing up is hard. Living abroad is hard.

Blogroll: (Danielle Teacher’s) Korean Students Speak

From a young age, Korean students are trained to memorize mountains of information with the hope of attending a prestigious university one day. In this strict, regimented education system, there is little room for creative thought or personal expression. Last fall, some of my peers sought to address this very issue by creating an online project called “Korean Students Speak”. The premise of this project is simple. With a marker and blank piece of paper, students can creatively voice their opinion to the world.

Blogroll: Finale, A Letter to Gochang Buk High School

Dear Gochang Buk High School — Yesterday was a celebration of sorts. I met most of the Fulbright teachers from all over the country for a last hurrah. Everybody was excited to see all our friends and share in a wonderful meal together. We celebrated our year and promised to stay in touch. After this official luncheon, we took to the night to fill our souls with more good company. As my friends toasted and celebrated around me, I couldn’t bring myself to happiness as something very powerful lingered and tugged at my heart. Your shadow is powerful indeed…