wireless peninsula

Wireless Peninsula grew out of our mission as Fulbright Researchers to cultivate greater understanding between the U.S. and South Korea. The blog was originally meant as a medium for current researchers to share their discoveries with one another. However, the more we researched English-language blogs on Korea and talked about our commitment to sharing knowledge about Korea with family and friends in the U.S., the clearer it became that we needed to share our discoveries in a public forum. A blog seemed a fitting platform, given South Korea’s status as one of the most technologically advanced cultures in the world and its growing engagement with the international community through technology. Through the material we post on Wireless Peninsula, we seek to capture and share the Korea that we see in this moment, and how it is (rapidly) changing and moving toward the future. Our hope is that people can come to Wireless Peninsula and begin cultivating a deep and abiding interest in this important but often misunderstood country. We post new contributor articles or guest features daily, so we encourage visitors to follow the blog on WordPress or our Twitter account, @Wi_Pen, to stay updated about our latest discoveries. — By Chelsea Carlson, Fulbright Junior Researcher