picking flowers

Seoraksan Cable Car

By Rachel K. Fauth, ETA ’16-’17 what I know about the old lady is maybe three things: first that she is pious, second she is harsh, third that sometimes she wears white and only white, matching linen shirt and pants. that, and she once stopped to lift my wrist, flip it, graze its pale, translucent underside, […]

Hindsight is more beautiful

By Arya Mohanka, ETA ’16-’17 On a strenuous hike into the mountains of the north of Thailand, We were all sweaty and sore and drained, unsteady. We regretted this. But afterwards on  Facebook, they posted lovely photos with captions: “That was the best, most amazing experience of my whole lifetime.” I struggled greatly in a […]

Cereal with Mr. Kim

By Rachel Fauth, ETA ’16-’17 is poured from a glass jar. gold flakes then wafers then milk each time. familiar materials, but in a different permutation. I learned by imitating, does he watch me? he chews and we quietly take notice of each small noise. his front teeth jut out: two half-swung doors. hunched over, […]